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Learn how to give and receive constructive feedback, and how to help your team grow and develop their skills and potential.

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Unlimited Duration

Last Updated

September 13, 2023

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Course Description:

Unlock the power of effective feedback with our leadership training course, "How to Give and Receive Feedback without Feeling Defensive or Discouraged." Designed for aspiring and experienced leaders alike, this comprehensive program delves into the art and science of feedback exchange, enabling you to foster a culture of growth, trust, and open communication within your team or organization.

This leadership training course is designed to equip participants with the essential skills and strategies to effectively give and receive feedback, fostering a culture of growth and open communication within their teams and organizations. Participants will gain practical insights, engage in hands-on activities, and develop the confidence to handle feedback situations with ease and professionalism.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, participants will:

1. Master the Art of Feedback: Gain a deep understanding of the different types of feedback and learn to deliver it effectively, whether it's positive, constructive, or developmental.

2. Overcome Defensiveness: Develop strategies to manage emotional responses to feedback, eliminate defensiveness, and create a receptive mindset when receiving feedback.

3. Build Trust and Safety: Recognize the pivotal role of trust in feedback exchanges and establish psychological safety within your team or organization.

4. Handle Challenging Situations: Acquire the skills to navigate challenging feedback situations, resolve conflicts, and address sensitive topics with professionalism and empathy.

5. Foster a Culture of Growth: Learn to encourage peer feedback, set up feedback loops, and celebrate successes and improvements, creating an environment where feedback is embraced as a tool for personal and professional development.

6. Create Action Plans: Develop personalized action plans to apply feedback skills in your leadership role, ensuring immediate and tangible benefits.

Career Options:

Upon completing this leadership training course, you will be equipped with valuable skills and insights that can enhance your career in various roles and industries, including:

1. Leadership Roles: Elevate your leadership skills by becoming a more effective communicator, coach, and mentor. Lead teams with confidence and inspire growth.

2. Human Resources: Excel in HR roles by understanding the psychology of feedback, facilitating feedback processes, and nurturing a culture of open communication within organizations.

3. Management Consulting: Offer specialized expertise in feedback and communication strategies, helping businesses improve their performance and culture.

4. Conflict Resolution: Become a skilled mediator and conflict resolution expert, assisting individuals and teams in navigating feedback-related conflicts.

5. Entrepreneurship: Build a successful startup or business by creating a positive feedback culture that fosters innovation and growth.

6. Education and Training: Develop and deliver training programs on feedback and communication skills for educational institutions or corporate training departments.

7. Nonprofit and Community Leadership: Apply feedback skills to enhance community and nonprofit leadership, fostering collaboration and positive change.

This course opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities, allowing you to make a lasting impact on your organization and those you lead. Don't miss the chance to gain these invaluable skills and advance your career in leadership and communication.

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